CSR Asia Weekly: Earthquake in Japan

kristySRI/ESG News


Translation Support in Japan

It is deeply saddened that the catastrophic earthquake in Japan and the following devastating tsunami happened last week brought much disastrous situation to Japan. CSR Asia is now providing translation support to those in need regarding the disaster.

Languages: English, Chinese, Malay, Japanese

Please contact Makiko Akabane for more information.


The CSR Asia Forum on Sustainability Disclosure is just 1 week away!

23 March 2011, Singapore

Don’t miss the chance to learn more about the major aspects of sustainability reporting, disclosure and communication. This forum is held in response to the recent SGX policy statement which encourages companies (listed and soon-to-list) to produce sustainability reports.

Visit www.csr-asia.com/SDForum2011 for more information


Earthquake in Japan, March 11 – My personal experience
Most of you will have heard the news about the earthquake in Japan. The country is facing its most serious situation since World War II. As I write in Tokyo we are still suffer from aftershocks one after …
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