Could every country have a Green New Deal? Report charts paths for 143 countries

LaRae LongGreen Prosperity, Global Citizen, Transforming Finance, Latest Headlines

“Ethical Markets fully endorses this Stanford University group led by Prof. Mark Z. Jacobson, that a 100% shift to renewable energy is achievable with current technologies by 2050, and this model of how 143 countries can attain this goal.  Read it this holiday season!

This model, which we also  use, includes the huge savings in avoided costs and co-benefits from better health.  This Stanford study also conforms with the research of our colleague NASA Chief Scientist Dennis Bushnell “Financially Advantageous Approaches To Sustain The Ecosystem”,  published on our ETHICAL MARKETS REVIEW, as well as our Green Transition Scoreboard® report “Transitioning to Science-Based Investing: 2019-2020“ all free downloads from

These holiday gifts to our planetary ecosystem are available to all humans who can see beyond the defunct “economism“ paradigm (still peddled in economic textbooks’ austerity).  We all understand why “Green New Deals” are possible in the USA, the EU and worldwide, and agree that this global transition can reduce energy needs by 57%, create 28.6 million more jobs than those lost and reduce energy, health and climate costs by 91%  v. “business as usual“.  ( see also  my “Mapping the Global Transition to the Solar Age: From Economism to Earth Systems Science”, Foreword by NASA Chief Scientist Dennis Bushnell, London,( 2014).

Let’s make 2020 the start of this huge paradigm shift, to Transform Finance and to mobilize our people and technologies to achieve this global transition to inclusive,  sustainable, knowledge-richer societies, summarized in the UN’s  Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)!

~Hazel Henderson, Editor“


Could every country have a Green New Deal? Report charts paths for 143 countries

December 20, 2019
Researchers offer an updated vision of the steps that 143 countries around the world can take to attain 100% clean, renewable energy by the year 2050. The new roadmaps project that transitioning to clean, renewable energy could reduce worldwide energy needs by 57%, create 28.6 million more jobs than are lost, and reduce energy, health, and climate costs by 91% compared with a business-as-usual analysis.

Researchers offer an updated vision of the steps that 143 countries around the world can take to attain 100% clean, renewable energy by the year 2050. The new roadmaps project that transitioning to clean, renewable energy could reduce worldwide energy needs by 57%, create 28.6 million more jobs than are lost, and reduce energy, health, and climate costs by 91% compared with a business-as-usual analysis.

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