Evolving Economies from Lose-Lose Vicious Circles to Win-Win Cooperation and Sustainability, March 1997

Jay OwenArticles by Hazel Henderson

© Hazel Henderson, 1997Summary of Presentation for the “Managing for Sustainable Development” Plenary Session. Rio + 5 Forum Rio de Janeiro, Brazil March 13/19, 1997 Managing organizations and societies for sustainable development requires a transdisciplinary, systems approach. Clearly, this means that economics–even ecological economics, social economics, or any other hyphenated …

Toward Holistic Human Relationships 1988

Jay OwenArticles by Hazel Henderson

© Hazel Henderson, 1988 www.hazelhenderson.com Ever since Earth’s living organisms progressed from cell division to the extraordinary innovation of sexual reproduction, humans have been trying to come to terms with its corollaries: physical asymmetry and death.  These two great issues have provided a continual challenge to all human cultures; to …