Books: Review Of 2052: A Global Forecast Of The Next 40 Years

Jay OwenBooks and Reviews, Articles by Hazel Henderson

41H1Oda9roL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_2050: A Global Forecast for the next 40 Years by Jorgen Randers, Chelsea Green, 2012

This report to the Club of Rome commemorates the 40th Anniversary of its first report Limits to Growth in 1972, which caused wide controversy since it challenged the basic assumptions of all governments concerning the future of humanity. I recall visiting MIT and my conversations with its lead authors Donella and Dennis Meadows, after my review of Limits to Growth in the Futurist (1972). I largely agreed with the authors, having arrived at similar conclusions regarding the primary tool used worldwide to measure the progress of societies: the money-denominated model of GDP-measured growth, for example in my plenary speech to the National Association of Business Economists, reported in the New York Times, July 1971.