Jerome Goldstein: 1931-2012

kristySustainability News, Wealth of Networks

Ethical Markets Media honors the life of visionary sustainability pioneer Jerome Goldstein. He and Hazel Henderson, our editor-in-chief, enjoyed many conversations about ecoentrepreneuring.

Jerome Goldstein — 1931-2012

Publisher and Editor Emeritus of BioCycle – reporting on sustainability news since 1960

Jerome Goldstein — 1931-2012
Jerome Goldstein, Publisher BioCycle, In Business, Compost Science & Utilization, The JG Press, Inc.

Jerome Goldstein

Jerome (Jerry) Goldstein, Publisher and Editor Emeritus of BioCycle and In Business, and founder of The JG Press, Inc., died May 17. Jerry, one of the world’s leading ecopioneers, was an early and persistent advocate of conserving and reusing natural resources, composting, recycling and ecoentrepreunering. His vision for a sustainable planet touched many, encouraging people around the world to do what they could with the resources they had. He authored numerous books, including How To Manage A Company Ecologically, Garbage As You Like It, Sensible Sludge, and How To Start A Family Business and Make It Work.

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