WRI Digest: Roadmap to Decarbonization | Trump’s Wrongheaded Climate Policies | From Waste to Watts

Jay OwenSustainability News




The Roadmap to Decarbonization Won’t Go Far Without Land

A new decarbonization roadmap in Science largely overlooks agriculture and forestry’s low-carbon opportunities. That’s a mistake –agriculture and land use change account for nearly a quarter of the world’s emissions, while forests soak up one-third of fossil fuel emissions every year. Learn more.

White House


President Trump’s new executive order rolling back the Clean Power Plan and other initiatives won’t make America stronger or more secure. Rather, Sam Adams explains, it will set the country back, letting other nations take the lead in cleaner energy that creates jobs and improves lives. Learn more.

Sarah Parsons reports on the highlights of a recent Newseum conference where WRI’s Kelly Levin, other scientists, and journalists explored the role of truth in U.S. national discourse. The good news: members of both political parties spoke up for the facts. Learn more.

Water’s usefulness doesn’t need to end once it’s flushed down the drain. WRI India’s water expert Vittal Boggaram and urban planner Sahana Goswami explain how the country could tap wastewater for nutrients and even renewable energy. Learn more.