Why The Election Could Be Good For Green Tech – GTM Daily

caitlinGreen Prosperity

Updated: Colerado Gets Funding, VC in Greentech Deal Roundup

Millions for electric vehicles, smart grid, solar panels, fuel cells, carbon monitoring and more.

Why the Election Could be Good For Green Tech

The compromise that will come out of political arm-twisting will showcase green’s most valuable asset: speed.

PVEL’s Test Lab Brings Bankability to Solar Panels

In order to sustain a vibrant solar industry, companies need to compete on actual risk and not perceived risk.

Should You Buy Philips’ LED Bulb? Video + Review

The label says it’s a 60-watt equivalent, Clarice.

CEO Abruptly Resigns From Electric Car Maker Coda

Kevin Czinger will remain as strategic advisor to the Sino-U.S. car maker.

WrightSpeed to Tackle Hybrid Trucks, Sports Cars

$5 million for Mr. Wright

In Boston, Green Tech Angels Try to Take Flight

Brother, can you spare $500,000? I’ll turn it into $50 mil.