WAR TIME by Mary L. Dudziak, Oxford University Press, 2012

kristyBooks and Reviews

WAR TIME by Mary L. Dudziak, Oxford University Press, 2012
Review by Alan F. Kay

The book introduction initiates various ways that ideas about time affect our understanding of war — followed by chapters that specifically examine how war and time are imaged. We imagine the start and end of wars are pretty clearly bound in time, but American experience is more contrary. Since the vicious attack of 9/11, with its specter of ubiquitous terrorism, war has been extended to anywhere in the world. It also is true that many developments among top American leaders start with building up specific early military action, sometimes quickly, sometimes extended over years, but ending when the war starts with military action beginning full blast within a day or two or sometimes a little later.

As one who has been an anti-war activist for decades and co-author of Eliminating War (2009) with Col. Dan Smith, this book speaks truth that only former soldiers like me, in World War II, and Dan Smith, a veteran of the Vietnam War, can fully appreciate. I hope Mary Dudziak’s insightful book reaches a wide audience!

Alan F. Kay, Ph.D.
Author, Eliminating War!, Militarist Millionaire Peacenik and other books
Treasurer and Secretary, Ethical Markets Media (USA and Brazil)
www.alanfkay.com and www.ethicalmarkets.com