UNEP Inquiry

LaRae LongGreen Prosperity, Beyond GDP

Dear friend,

2016 was the the best year ever for green finance; the task ahead in 2017 is to step up the pace. While financial institutions with assets worth tens of trillions of dollars are now committed to aligning their portfolios with the low-carbon transition and sustainable development more broadly, the actual reallocation of capital still remains insufficient.

Three practical steps stand out to shift the trillions of private capital: first, rolling out sustainable finance roadmaps at the national level; second, targeting public effort where market forces cannot reach; and third, encouraging a real convergence at the international level in terms of the ‘rules of the game’ that shape financial markets, such as market standards and financial regulations.

For the full story, read 2017: What Next for Green Finance?, a new article by Nick Robins.

Kind regards,

The Inquiry Team

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