The Task Force recommendations on climate disclosure, Reporting Exchange beta goes live & more

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, SRI/ESG News, TV Series, Beyond GDP

Factsheet: a guide to the Task Force recommendations

Understanding the technicalities of the reports released by the Task Force can be a daunting challenge. As commentators will soon begin to analyse the recommendations from specific perspectives, the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) released a factual set of questions and answers that can help you navigate the three reports issued this week.

Read our factsheet

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures releases recommendations

On 14 December the FSB Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures delivered the Phase II report, which outlines the reasons and way in which organisations from all sectors can report climate-related information. CDP and CDSB welcome the work of the TCFD as a crucial step towards mainstreaming climate disclosure.

Read the press release

Watch CDSB Chairman’s interview on CNBC

Background: everything you need to know about the work of the TCFD

This backgrounder piece guides you through the main developments of the work of the Task Force since its launch at COP21 in Paris, through the Phase I report and to what we are expecting next year. This will help you understand why the work of the Task Force matters, in relation to this week’s announcement.

Read the blog

CDSB in the news

The Reporting Exchange beta is live: helping you make sense of the sustainability reporting landscape

Are you wondering how to navigate the complexity of sustainability reporting? The Reporting Exchange (beta) is designed to help reporters, investors, academics and all interested parties make sense of over 1,000 reporting requirements and resources on sustainability reporting from around the world.

More about the Reporting Exchange

EU countries must adopt directive extending mandatory reporting of environmental and non-financial information

The new EU Directive on non-financial reporting will affect 6,000 companies from 1 January 2017. We encourage all countries to transpose the directive into national legislation in the shortest possible timeframe, to create the enabling environment for European businesses, which will need to start collecting and preparing the relevant information for financial years beginning on or after 1 January 2017.

Read our press release