We Can Reforest the Earth

Ethical MarketsGreen Prosperity, TV Series

We Can Reforest the Earth Lester R. Brownwww.earth-policy.org/book_bytes/2012/wotech10_1 Earth Policy Release Book Byte July 31, 2012 Protecting the 10 billion acres of remaining forestson earth and replanting many of those already lost are both essential for restoring the earth’s health. Since 2000, the earth’s forest cover has shrunk by 13 …

How Much Will it Cost to Save Our Economy’s Foundation?

kristyGreen Prosperity

We at Ethical Markets see these totals of $110 billion per year Earth Policy Institute estimates needed to restore our ecological assets on which our human survival depends, as the best investment we can make in our common future. The money currently being hoarded by corporations and wasted in inappropriate …