It’s Time to Kill the Car Culture, Drive a Stake Through Its Heart, and Electrify Mobility :

Ethical MarketsGreen Prosperity, Greentech

Tom Konrad CFA Stop debating the viability of electric cars, and work on fixing our broken transportation paradigm. My friend and colleague John Petersen has it in for the electric car.  Recently he wrote a summary of his anti-electric car views, entitled “It’s Time to Kill the Electric Car, Drive …

Cooperation for a Green Economy

kristyEarth Systems Science

Latest News – 11 May 2011 Featured Guest Article Cooperation for a Green Economy by Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director, UN Environment Programme (UNEP) As_the_Commission on Sustainable Development convenes in New York, the thoughts of an increasing number of nations are turning towards next year’s Rio+20 Conference in …