A note from Paul Hawken

Ethical MarketsGlobal Citizen, The Power of Yin

We—you who are reading this—support Women’s Earth Alliance not because it goes to the root of the problem, but because it goes to the heart of the solution: women and to women’s culture. As James Hillman wrote, “Nature dies because culture dies.” To address resource shortages WEA is enlivening the greatest …

Global crisis rooted in systemic failure of the financial and political elite

Ethical MarketsReforming Global Finance

CEO George Friedman says the current economic problems in the United States, Europe and elsewhere are the result of systemic failure in two major communities: the financial and political elite. Colin: Another of those rollercoaster weeks on the stock market may have terrified the wits out of investors but it belies …

The New-Economy Movement

kristyBeyond GDP

may 2011 NEN member Gar Alperovitz has just published an article, “The New Economy Movement”, in the Nation. Gar, who works with the Democracy Collaborative to support worker cooperatives and new forms of ownership, provided an over view of key players in the emerging new economy movement as well as …

Sharp Drop in American Enthusiasm for Free Market, Poll Shows

kristyBeyond GDP

A news release from GlobalScan LONDON—American public support for the free market economy has dropped sharply in the past year, and is now lower than in China, according to a GlobeScan poll released today. The findings, drawn from 12,884 interviews across 25 countries, show that there has been a sharp fall in …