Should Progressives Challenge Obama in the Democratic Primaries?

Ethical MarketsGlobal Citizen

We write to you in light of recent deteriorating events in Washington, D.C. Misguided negotiations by the Obama Administration over increasing the debt ceiling willingly put our nation’s vital social services on the chopping block while Bush-era tax cuts remain untouched. Clearly the situation has reached crisis proportions. In response, …

Public Transit, Access to Jobs: Escaping Our “Exit Ramp” Economy

kristyCommunity Development Solutions

“Welcome to! Leave it to the Brookings policy wonks and number crunchers to digitize Americans’ transit habits, metro by metro, for the first time. ‘Surprise’ bottom line: transit works when regions plan their land use, fund their systems. That means better access to jobs. Put another way: If you …

How Wisconsin Could Turn Austerity into Prosperity – Own a Bank

kristyCommunity Development Solutions

How Wisconsin Could Turn Austerity into Prosperity – Own a Bank Ellen Brown March 5, 2011 Public sector man sitting in a bar: “They’re trying to take away our pensions.” Private sector man: “What’s a pension?” — Cartoon in the Houston Chronicle As states struggle to meet their budgets, …