– The Democracy Collaborative, along with theResponsible Endowments Coalition, hosted awebinar on July 19 to announce our jointly published report Raising Student Voices: Student Action for University Community Investment.

Jay OwenCommunity Development Solutions, Sustainability Research Group

  Dear Colleague, Welcome to our August www.Community-Wealth.orgnewsletter. This month’s features include:  The Democracy Collaborative, along with theResponsible Endowments Coalition, hosted awebinar on July 19 to announce our jointly published report Raising Student Voices: Student Action for University Community Investment. The Chronicle for Higher Education released a blog review of the report, highlighting how everyone …

Inspired by Egypt, New Generation of US Activists Attempt Power Shift in DC

kristyCommunity Development Solutions, The Power of Yin

by Melanie Feliciano In 2003, people in every major city around the world protested George W. Bush’s declaration of war against Iraq. Then we turned on the TV and saw those fuzzy images of bombs bursting in air. Clearly, marching down streets would not stop a democratically elected president from …