Special Issue: Economics and the Ecosystem

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, Beyond GDP

real-world economics review
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A journal of the World Economics Association (WEA) 14,432 members, join
Issue no. 87
19 March 2019
Special Issue
???????Economics and the Ecosystem
download whole issue

Introduction 2
Jamie Morgan and Edward Fullbrook download

Growthism: Its ecological, economic, and ethical limits 9
Herman Daly download

Producing ecological economy 23
Katharine N. Farrell download

Dog barking, overgrazing and ecological collapse 33
Edward Fullbrook download

ddressing meta-externalities: investments in restoring the earth 36
Neva Goodwin download

Degrowth: A theory of radical abundance 54
Jason Hickel download

Environmental financialization: What could go wrong? 69
Eric Kemp-Benedict and Sivan Kartha download

Elements of a political economy of the postgrowth era 90
Max Koch download

Victim of success: civilisation is at risk 106
Peter McManners download

Economism and the Econocene: A Coevolutionary Interpretation 114
Richard B. Norgaard download

End game: The economy as eco-catastrophe and what needs to change 132
William E. Rees download

An ecosocialist path to limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C0 149
Richard Smith download

Toward sustainable development: Democracy-oriented economics 181
Peter Söderbaum download

Like blending chalk and cheese 196
Joachim H. Spangenberg and Lia Polotzek download

Of Ecosystems and Economies: Re-connecting economics with reality 213
Clive L. Spash and Tone Smith download

How to achieve the sustainable development goals by 2050 231
Per Espen Stoknes download

The simpler way: envisioning a sustainable society in an age of limits 247
Ted Trainer and Samuel Alexander download

Board of Editors, past contributors, submissions, etc. 261
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