Positive change is a click away.

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen, TV Series

Your comment on a World Pulse story could change a life! Unlike other platforms where your comment can disappear into cyberspace or receive a negative response, the comment section on World Pulse is all about genuine connection and encouragement. Your comment can inspire women to speak up and to believe in themselves. Be a part of that change by adding your comment to a featured story (like the ones below) or community post now!

NIGERIA: The Internet Restored My Voice When Doctors Couldn’t
A botched surgery took away Vweta’s ability to speak. It didn’t take away her voice.

INDIA: I Said No to Arranged Marriage to Say Yes to Myself
Despite the threat of honor killing, Upasana followed her heart to be with the man she loves.




Join World Pulse

Congratulations to Digital Changemaking 101 Participants!

SIGN UP: Take This Powerful Training as a Self-Guided Course

Congratulations to the community leaders who participated in our first-ever Digital Changemaking 101 class! “It was an amazing course,” says Nadum of Cameroon. “It has given me some tips to bring out the best in me. I look forward to more of such trainings to get to where I want to be.” If you’d like to take this training as a self-guided course, you can still sign up here.

Make Some Noise: Share Your Voice With Audio

SPEAK OUT: We Invite You to Share Audio Files on WorldPulse.com

Did you hear community leader Tam’s voice? You can listen to her reading an original poem in her story “A Quantum Shift for Women and the Planet.”What a powerful way to connect across borders! It’s easy to add audio to your journal post: Just upload your audio file to SoundCloud (accounts are free) and embed the link directly into your posts under the Multimedia section.

More From Our Global Community

Photo by Albert Gonzalez Farran, UNAMID / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Now is the time for women to rise up together.

Help us reach the tipping point for global change!