Mike Lewis – Announcing Launch of ‘The Resilience Imperative’

Ethical MarketsSustainability News, Books and Reviews

New Society Publishers, the Canadian Centre for Community Renewal, the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance, and the new economics foundation announce the release of
By Michael Lewis, Canadian Centre for Community Renewal and Pat Conaty, new economics foundation, U.K.
This is a book that finally starts to connect dots in ways that help us see the practical transition pathways to a low carbon, steady state economy while enhancing community resilience and social justice.  Big picture analysis joined up with inspired innovations that critically advance our capacity to meet basic needs where we live demonstrate getting off the growth treadmill and onto a path to a steady state economy is possible.
A new kind of world is clearly possible–this book makes that clear. The question is whether we’re willing to do the work to get there. Bill McKibben, author Deep Economy;  Leader 350.org
“Whether our leaders properly understand resilience will be one of the key factors that will define the future our children inherit. The Resilience Imperative offers a guide for these leaders to draw from as they shift their focus to the importance of resilience.”
John Fullerton, Capital Institute – former managing director JP Morgan
“This is a book that puts flesh on the occupy movement’s call for an economic alternative. Analytically it argues that there are four giants that have to be confronted – compound interest, land enclosure, concentrated ownership and cheap oil – and shows that for each of them alternatives already exist that now need to be generalised.”

Robin Murray, London School of Economics
The Resilience Imperative is an urgent call for recognition that we are undermining the very life support systems of the planet and then lays out a blueprint for departing from our biocidal path.”  David Suzuki, scientist, author, Companion to the Order of Canada
The Resilience Imperative” is one of the most compelling books available in pointing the way to a necessary, new way of living with respect in Creation. If there is one book to read, this is it.”Very Rev. Dr. Bill Phipps, moderator, United Church of Canada 1997-2000, chair of Faith and the Common Good

“Mike Lewis and Pat Conaty have assembled examples from around the world, both current and from the arc of history, of how the economy can be re-embedded in the natural limits of the earth, while creating healthy and inclusive communities. Their practical solutions to enhance democracy are signposts for a cultural shift to solidarity, co-operation, and sufficiency, offering a future rich with possibilities.”
   Michael Toye, Executive Director, Canadian Community Economic Development Network

This book is a beacon of hope. It sets out so clearly why ‘business as usual’ is disastrous for both us and the planet, and spells out the necessary solutions. It then goes much further by demonstrating brilliantly the many positive changes that are already happening and which point the way to a resilient, fair and flourishing future. It ends by challenging each of us to look at what we are going to do personally to advance the Great Transition. This is a primer for life and how to live it. 
Stewart Wallis, Executive Director, New Economics Foundation U.K.

“At last, a comprehensive, hands-on guide to all the viable cooperative community-building options inherent in the Great Transition to cleaner, greener, more equitable economies.” 
Hazel Henderson, futurist and author of Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy