Kick Start Economic Transition In Your Community

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen

Short Course Programme | Postgraduate Programmes | Horticulture Programmes

The Local Entrepreneur Forum has the power to change our economy


by Jay Tompt

The ‘new economy’ movement offers many models, projects and activities for motivated community groups, whether they call themselves REconomy, or not – cooperatives and social enterprises, complementary currencies and community exchange schemes, local economy studies and reports. Each of these nudge us forward.

If Transition Towns provide a platform for community-led response to climate change and resource depletion, perhaps the killer apps that enabled it to take root all over the world were Open Space Technology and visioning. Both are cheap, easy and effective methods for engaging and mobilising people, ‘unleashing their collective genius’ to begin collaborating on local solutions together.

If REconomy is now an extension of that platform for community-led economic change, then what’s the killer app?

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Kickstart Economic Transition in your Community

With Andy Goldring, Chief Executive of Permaculture Association and Jay Tompt, co-founder of the REconomy Project

Join Us Mon 20 – Fri 24 August

This course will prepare you to launch a process of citizen-led economic transition in your town or region. You will have chance to join the movement forging ahead with a more resilient, inclusive, ecologically wise and regenerative system. Based on the experience of the Totnes REconomy Project, this approach is accessible, practical and effective. It has been developed successfully in dozens of other places in the UK, EU, and USA with whom you can connect to support your future work.

At A Glance

·     Gain the practical skills to lead transformative economic change in your community


·     Become part of a mutually supportive and innovative ‘community of practice’


·     An understanding of how permaculture practice informs this approach, and how this approach extends permaculture practice to include ‘new economic’ activism and practice

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