G8 Compliance Score Rises to 77 Percent, According to G8 Research Group

Ethical MarketsReforming Global Finance, SRI/ESG News, Global Citizen

Chicago – G8 members have complied with the priority commitments they made at last year’s Deauville Summit at a level of 77%, higher than their score of 73% on the previous year, according to the 2011 Deauville G8 Final Compliance Report. They have fully complied with the commitments they made at the Deauville Summit last May on global governance and Afghanistan and on national systems effectiveness regarding nuclear nonproliferation.

The annual report, published by the G8 Research Group on the eve of each G8 summit, assesses how much progress the G8 members make on their promises pledged at their last summit. For the Deauville Summit, the G8 Research Group monitored a selection of 18 commitments and actions taken by the eight member countries and the European Union between 27 May 2011 and 4 May 2012.

This year’s findings show the G8 members’ compliance is roughly in line with past years’, with slight variations. Canada ranks first overall, followed by the United States, the United Kingdom (which will host in 2013) and the European Union tied in second place. Russia and Japan are in third place, Germany is in fourth and, for the third consecutive year, Italy is in last place.

On issues, apart from full compliance on the commitments on Afghanistan and national systems effectiveness, two other nuclear-related commitments received generally high scores. Compliance was also strong on unemployment. On the two environment-related commitments that were monitored, compliance on emissions reduction was higher than in previous years and better than compliance on green growth.

On trade, the compliance score increased compared to both 2010 and 2009. Members performed well on their commitment to sustainable and inclusive growth, with respect to Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan and Morocco, their partners in the Deauville Partnership launched at the 2011 summit, and Libya, which is an observer.

On regional security, compliance with the commitment on Somalia received a low average. On terrorism, the G8 members performed moderately well. Compliance varied on the commitments on development in Africa and accountability on development, and was strong on the commitment on protecting intellectual property rights. However, compliance on the commitment on food security was low.

The G8 Research Group’s compliance report is always a work in progress. Scores may be adjusted as relevant information becomes available, such as when the G8 releases its own Camp David Accountability Report on 19 May 2012.

The full 364-page 2011 Deauville G8 Summit Final Compliance report can be downloaded from the G8 Information Centre website at http://www.g8.utoronto.ca/evaluations/2011compliance-final.


NOTE: For media in the International Media Centre at McCormack Place in Chicago, there will be a briefing at 9:30 CT on Saturday, 19 May, by the information desk in the press centre.


For more information or to arrange an interview please call Madeline Koch at +1-416-588-3833, SMS +1-416-418-9532, skype madkoch or email [email protected].