EVs alone could cause peak oil demand by late 2020s – check out our new interactive tool, latest analyst notes and news of the month

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, Sustainability News, Beyond GDP

Electric vehicles:
The catalyst to further decarbonisation

Our latest analyst note and accompanying interactive tool look at the potential oil demand displacement from electric vehicles, and find that EVs alone could case peak oil demand by the late 2020s.

However, to have the best chance of meeting the +2?C climate target, oil demand will need to be curtailed from other oil-consuming sectors other than the road transport sector.

The interactive tool allows users to play with the three key variables that underpin how much oil demand might be displaced by EVs.

View the interactive tool

FT Lex debate: Are fossil fuel investors doomed?

During the FT Energy Transitions Strategies Summit Kingsmill Bond, our New Energy Strategist, participated in an FT Lex debate titled “Are fossil fuel investors are doomed?”

Before the debate, the audience poll showed 66% felt that fossil fuel investors are not doomed. By the end of the debate, this had fallen to only 38%.

Kingsmill’s speech highlighted how the incumbent fossil fuel companies continue to massively under-forecast the growth of renewables and deny the threat new technologies pose to their business. Kingsmill said that with three to four years of current growth rates, all incremental growth in energy demand could come from non-fossil fuel sources.