Driving on Sunshine: August 2017 Edition

Jay OwenGreentech

“Disclaimer:  Hazel Henderson is an investor in Envision Solar.”

Driving on Sunshine: August 2017 Edition

Well, our factory is filling up with units in various stages of completion on their way to customers like New York City, Santa Monica, Caltrans and others. Our team is busier than ever and growing. We have more sales and marketing people than we have ever had and our backlog and pipeline, already at historical highs, are growing faster than at any time in our history.

Final assembly area for EV ARC™ in our 51,000 square foot factory

OPEC has increased their forecast for growth in EVs by 500% over their 2016 forecast – 500% in one year!

They’re not alone. In fact, just about every analyst and industry insider is increasing their forecasts for EV adoption. And you know what – they’re all wrong. None of them are aggressive enough. You have to read or listen to people like Stanford Professor Tony Seba to get a really good insight into the magnificent transportation rEVolution that we are heading towards. Educated, analytical but visionary, thinkers like Professor Seba have a much better track record of predicting massive technology transformations than incumbent industry players or number-crunching analysts than consultants ever have. Even the incumbents are increasing their forecasts by hundreds of percentage points!

The UK and France have announced that they will ban all diesel and gasoline vehicles from 2040 and Norway will do the same thing 15 years earlier in 2025. Now 2025 and 2040 might sound like a long time away but think about what this means. In order to ban the sale of these vehicles there has to be a viable option in place. That option is, without a doubt, electric vehicles. In order to make electric vehicles viable there will have to be massive amounts of supporting infrastructure. Hundreds of thousands of EV charging stations must be deployed and they must be deployed quickly. Then there’s the question of the extra power that we’ll need to charge all these EVs. Where is that coming from? The UK estimates that it will need 20 more power stations to support the growth in EVs. It takes a long time to build power stations and it takes a long time to install grid tied EV chargers because of the planning, permitting, construction and electrical work.

What a fantastic market opportunity for a company that has a unique, grid independent EV charging solution that doesn’t need power stations and takes 9 to 12 minutes to install.

Maybe that’s why our factory is filling up and our phone is ringing – and maybe that’s why I’m a ball of fire. How could I be anything else when I feel like I’m sitting atop a Saturn V rocket listening to the final seconds of the countdown.

“Let’s light this candle!”
(Alan Shephard sitting atop the Freedom 7 before becoming the first American in Space)
Desmond Wheatley, CEO of Envision Solar