Ethical Sourcing Forum

Ethical MarketsPartner Announcements and News

Broaden your understanding of sustainable business practices currently transforming global supply chain practices by attending the Ethical Sourcing Forum, held annually, and learn about models that are being implemented and enablers that are driving success from business leaders, policy makers, academics and key industry stakeholders.

Quantum Care Center

Ethical MarketsPartner Announcements and News

At the Quantum Care Center we help business leaders to improve their work-life by helping them develop ways to manage stress better and live a more balanced life by stimulating the evolution of the whole person. This process covers the four basic intelligences – The Intellectual, Biological, Emotional and Spiritual …

Jacksonville Green Expo

Ethical MarketsPartner Announcements and News

The Jacksonville Green Expo, organized by Global GreenUp LLC, is part of an effort to increase the green awareness movement across the globe by bringing together, in a trade show environment and in different cities, a collaboration of businesses, non-profit groups, concerned individuals and government agencies that seek to promote …

Information for Action

Ethical MarketsPartner Announcements and News

Information for Action ( explains environmental problems, offers solutions and includes: articles on a wide range of issues, a lobbying facility, a searchable database of leaders and environmental groups, an environmental quiz with cartoons and animations, free music videos and MP3s, and a database of chemicals and their effects.

LOHAS Online

Ethical MarketsPartner Announcements and News

Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) describes an estimated $209 billion U.S. marketplace for goods and services focused on health, the environment, social justice, personal development and sustainable living. Over 41 million adults in the U.S. are currently considered LOHAS Consumers. The LOHAS website provides resources and information for companies …