Calvert Foundation: 2013 Annual Report | Microfinance in Kyrgyzstan | Diaspora learnings

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News

2013 Annual Report, microfinance in Kyrgyzstan, and diaspora learnings.





Calvert Foundation


Investments for social good




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May 2014








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2013 Annual Report looks back at a formative year




Our 2013 Annual Report reflects on a year when calvert foundation charted our course in the impact investing industry. The report covers investments made last year, new initiatives we’re launching to grow the impact investing movement, and our efforts to respond to the needs of both our investors and the communities our investors support.

This marks the first year we’ve invested in an online version of the report, which we invite you to enjoy on any of your e-devices. As always, you can provide any feedback by simply replying to this email.







See Report







From the Field







Kompanion is increasing access to microfinance in Kyrgyzstan




As part of the WIN-WIN portfolio, we recently closed a $1.5 million loan to Kompanion, a microfinance institution that provides loans and technical support primarily to rural clients in Kyrgyzstan. Kompanion is one of the largest MFI’s in Kyrgyzstan, with over 108,000 active borrowers and a loan portfolio of $81.4 million.








Latest Blog Posts








Engaging Diasporas in Development through Investment




We’ve spent the past year spent trying to better understand the diaspora landscape. Here are some of the key lessons learned.







Cities as Accelerators




This blog post is a response to the Meeting of the Minds & Living Cities group blogging event, exploring how cities are accelerators of opportunity.








Reading List







Create Jobs for USA: Six Lessons Learned




Create Jobs for USA is a partnership between Opportunity Finance Network and Starbucks that provides grants to Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) like calvert foundation and others across the U.S. These CDFIs provide loans to community businesses, which play a critical role in creating and preserving jobs in America.

This report examines key outcomes from the initiative.








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Calvert Foundation
7315 Wisconsin Avenue
Suite 1000W
Bethesda, MD, 20814
(800) 248-0337




Calvert Social Investment Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, offers the Community Investment Note, which is subject to certain risks, is not a mutual fund, is not fdic or SIPC insured, and should not be confused with any Calvert Investments-sponsored investment product. This website is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy these securities; the offering is made only by the prospectus, which should be read before investing.