3p Daily: Catholic Church Accelerates Divestment in Fossil Fuels and more…

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, Reforming Global Finance

Triple Pundit

Today’s Top Stories:


Catholic Church Accelerates Divestment in Fossil Fuels

By Leon Kaye

Today, approximately 40 Catholic institutions reportedly will announce that they will divest from fossil fuels. The mass fossil fuel divestment campaign is timed with the anniversary of the death of St. Francis of Assisi, the Catholic Church’s patron saint of the environment and animals.

Chefs In Puerto Rico Cook Up an Emergency Management Lesson for Trump By Jan Lee

In Puerto Rico, an army of chefs and volunteers are energizing the victims of Hurricane Maria. Electricity and cell phone power may still be a problem, but ingenuity and compassion help to safeguard the island community.

Why Racial Equality is Good for Business By Leon Kaye

A recent study concluded that companies across the U.S. are missing out a huge growth opportunity by not doing more to generate business value by advancing racial equality.

Paper Doesn’t (Just) Grow on Trees: Rolland Innovates Smarter PaperBy Thomas Schueneman

It is arguably counter-productive to think our modern business world will ever be entirely “paperless.” Focusing instead on production, consumption, and the supply chain connecting all stakeholders can lead to a sustainable “Less Paper” society. Though “Smarter Paper” may be a more accurate moniker.

All Hands on Deck: Cultivating Resilience in the Face of Disaster By 3p Contributor

Sustainability-minded companies, social workers, and civil engineers are all working in different ways to design buildings with sustainability, efficiency, and natural disasters in mind.


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