A New America

Ethical MarketsBooks and Reviews

A New America, An Awakened Future On Our Horizon An original and significant analysis of American values, beliefs, and typologies offering astonishing insight into our society and new approaches to creating a positive future

Press Coverage of the 2007 State of the Future

Ethical MarketsTrendspotting

Press Release Best media coverage of the Millennium Project and it’s State of the Future so far. Over 100 articles were published about the 2007 State of the Future during September, but the majority focused on the Associated Press (AP) Wire story that focused on the challenge of organized crime.

United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative

Ethical MarketsGlobal Citizen

The United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) is a unique global partnership between the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the private financial sector. UNEP FI Launches “Declaration on Climate Change by the Financial Services Sector” on World Environment Day (pdf file) 5 June, 2007

ANPED International Secretariat

Ethical MarketsTrendspotting

SPAC News – October 2007 and archives. This e-newsletter is published by the ANPED International Secretariat. SPAC News provides information on sustainable production and consumption issues, links to interesting websites and more in-depth analysis as well as events and publications.